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We are proud to present you IZT GmbH. IZT - located in Germany - is RF Technology and Advanced Digital Signal Processing Provider.

IZT`s product and service portfolio include:

High-Performance Equipment for:


    - RF signal receiving and monitoring
    - RF signal recording and replaying
    - RF signal generating and simulating
    - Customized design

Fast support and maintenance in Israel.


Key Features:

    - Frequency range: 9 kHz - 3 GHz (6 GHz / 18 GHz)
    - Real-time bandwidth up to 120 MHz
    - Highest receive quality 


Please contact us for more information.


IZT Application Notes

Overview Application Notes IZT Receivers

Ap­pli­ca­tion Note IZT Sig­nal Suite R3000 Sig­nal Archive

Ap­pli­ca­tion Note Broad­band, Mul­ti­chan­nel RF Sig­nal Ac­qui­si­tion with IZT R4000

Ap­pli­ca­tion Note IZT Sig­nal Suite Anti-Sur­veil­lance Sys­tem LYNX

Ap­pli­ca­tion Note IZT Sig­nal Suite GNSS Mon­i­tor­ing and In­ter­fer­ence Record­ing

IZT R3000

Digital Wideband Receiver

The IZT R3000 is a pro­fes­sional dig­i­tal HF, VHF and UHF re­ceiver. Its world-class RF per­for­mance and state-of-the art dig­i­tal sig­nal pro­cess­ing make it the ideal sen­sor for di­rec­tion find­ers, sig­nal record­ing and COMINT sys­tems.

IZT R3200

Digital Wideband Receiver

The IZT R3200 of­fers the same per­for­mance as the IZT R3000 for ap­pli­ca­tions re­quir­ing re­duced me­chan­i­cal depth due to its 2 RU, 19 inch de­sign.

IZT R3301

Portable Monitoring Receiver and RF Recorder

The IZT R3301 is a portable re­ceiver with an in­te­grated server for data record­ing. The re­ceiver is op­ti­mized for record­ing of RF sig­nals in fre­quently chang­ing en­vi­ron­ments. The RF char­ac­ter­is­tics of the IZT R3301 are iden­ti­cal to the IZT R3000 se­ries.

IZT R3410 / IZT R3411

Compact Wideband Receiver

The com­pact vari­ant of the sucess­full R3000 se­ries com­bines a lim­ited weight of under 7 kg with a fan­less de­sign suited for harsh en­vi­ron­ments while main­tain­ing the ex­cel­lent HF per­for­mance and a real-time band­width of 24 MHz.

IZT R3500

Ultimate Sensor for Intercepting HF Signals

The IZT R3500 HF re­ceiver of­fers a highly lin­ear, flex­i­ble pre-se­lec­tor with elec­tron­i­cally con­fig­urable start and stop fre­quen­cies for the most chal­leng­ing in­ter­cep­tion of High Fre­quency (HF) sig­nals. Es­pe­cially when large and sen­si­tive an­tenna sys­tems are used, the man­age­ment of the RF en­ergy reach­ing the AD con­verter by means of an ana­logue pre-se­lec­tor is es­sen­tial.

IZT R3600

Multichannel Receiver System

Up to five in­di­vid­ual re­ceivers com­bined in one com­pact chas­sis. Ideal for high-per­for­mance di­rec­tion find­ing in mo­bile and fixed in­stal­la­tions.

IZT R4000

Next Generation Digital Wideband Receivers

The IZT R4000 rep­re­sents our third gen­er­a­tion of high-per­for­mance dig­i­tal re­ceivers. It sup­ports mul­ti­ple si­mul­ta­ne­ous users on mul­ti­ple chan­nels and has the abil­ity to store and an­a­lyze the huge amounts of data that come with this in­creased in­stan­ta­neous band­width in a typ­i­cal op­er­at­ing en­vi­ron­ment.

IZT R4000-DF2

Dual Channel Digital Wideband Receiver

The IZT R4000-DF2 is a dual chan­nel dig­i­tal wide­band re­ceiver cov­er­ing the fre­quency range up to 6 GHz with 120 MHz in­stan­ta­neous band­width.

IZT R5000

Digital Wideband Receiver

The IZT R5000 sup­ports up to 100 MHz in­stan­ta­neous band­width with the ex­cel­lent RF per­for­mance the legacy re­ceivers from IZT are known for.

IZT R5506

Remote Direction Finding Sensor

The IZT R5506 is a high-per­for­mance, mul­ti­chan­nel re­ceiver de­signed for out­door in­stal­la­tion in an­tenna array sys­tems.

Satellite Channel Emulators

IZT C6000

For synchronous bi-directional satellite Links

With the Satel­lite Link Em­u­la­tor satel­lite based com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tems can be ex­ten­sively sim­u­lated and tested prior to its re­al­iza­tion. In ad­di­tion com­plex op­er­a­tional sce­nar­ios for equip­ment (re­ceivers, trans­mit­ters, satel­lite phones) and satel­lite test­ing can be set up in a very cost ef­fec­tive way.

IZT C3040

Satellite Link Emulator

The IZT C3040 is a wide­band dig­i­tal chan­nel sim­u­la­tor es­pe­cially suited for sim­u­lat­ing trans­mis­sions over satel­lites.

Signal Generators

IZT Application Notes

Overview Application Notes IZT Signal Generators

IZT S1000 & IZT S1010

Multi-Channel Signal Generator for I/Q data, Sirius, XM, HD Radio, AM, FM, DAB/+, DVB-T and DRM/+

The IZT S1000 Com­plex Dig­i­tal Sig­nal Gen­er­a­tor is the per­fect source of today's RF wave­forms with in­creas­ing com­plex­ity and band­width.

One Unit – 31 Sig­nal Gen­er­a­tors.

IZT T1000

Compact Broadcast Modulator

The IZT T1000 is a com­pact and price-ef­fi­cient mod­u­la­tor plat­form. It sup­ports real-time mod­u­la­tion for the broad­cast stan­dards DAB and DVB-T/DVB-T2. The IZT T1000 al­lows stand-alone op­er­a­tion and can be con­fig­ured and con­trolled via a user-friendly web in­ter­face.

IZT S5000

Multichannel Signal Source for Real-Time RF Environment Simulation

The IZT S5000 sim­u­lates a re­al­is­tic radio fre­quency spec­trum with many si­mul­ta­ne­ous sig­nals, large band­width, time vari­ant test sce­nar­ios and real con­tent.

COMINT Simulator

Real-Time RF Environment Simulation System

The IZT COMINT Sim­u­la­tor is ideal to test com­plex COMINT & DF Sys­tems and to train op­er­a­tors.

Record & Playback

IZT RecPlay

RF Recording and Replay System

IZT Rec­Play is a full fea­tured RF record­ing and re­play sys­tem using well es­tab­lished and re­li­able IZT com­po­nents.


The sys­tem is able to re­ceive, record and re­play up to 20 MHz band­width in a fre­quency range from 9 kHz to 3 GHz .

IZT RecPlay

RF Recording and Replay System

IZT Rec­Play is a full fea­tured RF record­ing and re­play sys­tem using well es­tab­lished and re­li­able IZT com­po­nents.


The sys­tem is able to re­ceive, record and re­play up to 20 MHz band­width in a fre­quency range from 9 kHz to 3 GHz .

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