Founded in 2019, DVB-TECH S.R.L. is based in Turbigo (Milan) Italy. DVB-TECH is the technological leader in RF & Microwave Power Amplifier solutions (CW & Pulse) for Electronic Warfare(EW), RADAR, Satellite Communications (SATCOM), Medical & Scientific. Our Air and Liquid cooled Amplifiers incorporate the latest semiconductor and power combining technologies permitting us build the most sophisticated and flexible COTS system Amplifiers in the world. Solutions range from tens of Watts to hundreds of Kilowatts from device to sub-system level covering frequency range from HF to Ka Band. Operating globally and continuing to expand our technology resources, DVB-TECH has recorded impressive growth since its inception.


Quality Policy
At DVB-TECH the Quality Assurance Program starts at the initial design phase of product development and continues through our manufacturing and quality program procedures that meet or exceed the ISO9001:2015 standard.
As an industry leader, DVB-TECH has demonstrated its Quality leadership and strengthened its commitment to customer satisfaction through formal, third-party registration to ISO9001. DVB-TECH has made Quality the foundation of our system that provides support across all business processes, from manufacturing operations and product life cycle to post-sales services.
Certification assures that DVB-TECH has met the highest commitment to Quality by a recognized management system model which consistently provides defect free processes and products. The DVB-TECH management team has established clear business and quality objectives supported by Quality Management Systems and procedures that are continuously audited and improved.
DVB-TECH S.R.L. is an ISO9001:2015 certified company.